

Welfare covers a range of issues such as safeguarding and protecting children, anti-bullying, poor practice in coaching and disciplinary matters.

It encompasses policies and procedures to set out minimum standards of expectations, such as codes of conduct, procedures to follow for dealing with child protection concerns, other welfare issues or complaints, and to ensure that England Athletics, clubs and associations meet their statutory responsibilities to safeguard and protect children and adults. 

Welfare is essential to contribute to good practice within athletics, develop performance and to ensure the safety and enjoyment of athletes, coaches, officials and volunteers.

Fiona Ratic - Welfare Officer

Hi my name is Fiona Ratic (Fi), I am one of our Club Welfare Officers. Some of you may know me as a bouncy, bubbly, smiley, chatty person affectionately known as Tigger by some and posh Northern lass by others, but on a serious note, my primary responsibility is managing and reporting concerns about children or adults at risk, and I'm also key to managing lower-level club issues and disputes, and/or flagging concerns for early intervention to prevent escalation and behaviours which prevent enjoyment of the sport.   I can be contacted directly and in confidence by clicking here

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